श्री गणेश के 108 नाम

  1. बालगणपति The child form of Ganesha.
  2. गजानन The one with an elephant face.
  3. गजवक्र The one with a curved elephant trunk.
  4. गजवक्त्र The one whose mouth is like an elephant.
  5. गणाध्यक्ष The Lord of all divine hosts (Ganas).
  6. गणपति The Lord of the Ganas (attendants of Shiva).
  7. गौरीसुत The son of Goddess Gauri (Parvati).
  8. भालचन्द्र The one who wears the moon on his forehead.
  9. बुद्धिनाथ The Lord of wisdom.
  10. धूम्रवर्ण The one with a smoky grey complexion.
  11. एकाक्षर The one-lettered (symbolizing “Om”).
  12. एकदन्त The one with a single tusk.
  13. गजकर्ण The one with ears like an elephant.
  14. दूर्जा The invincible one.
  15. द्वैमातुर The one who has two mothers (Parvati and Ganga).
  16. एकदंष्ट्र The one with a single tusk (same as Ekadant).
  17. ईशानपुत्र The son of Lord Shiva.
  18. गदाधर The one who wields a mace.
  19. गणाध्यक्षिण The leader of the Ganas.
  20. गुणिन The virtuous one, filled with qualities.
  21. हरिद्र The one who is golden in hue.
  22. हेरम्ब The compassionate protector.
  23. कपिल The one with reddish-brown skin.
  24. कवीश The Lord of poets and wisdom.
  25. कीर्त्ति The one who is known for his fame and glory.
  26. कृपाकर The one who is full of mercy.
  27. कृष्णपिंगाश The one with dark brownish skin.
  28. क्षेमंकरी The one who bestows security and well-being.
  29. क्षिप्रा The quick one in action.
  30. मनोमय The one who dwells in the mind.
  31. मृत्युंजय The conqueror of death.
  32. लम्बकर्ण The one with large ears.
  33. लम्बोदर The one with a large belly.
  34. महाबल The one with great strength.
  35. महागणपति The Great Lord Ganapati.
  36. महेश्वर The great Lord (another name for Shiva and Ganesha).
  37. मंगलमूर्त्ति The embodiment of auspiciousness.
  38. मूषकवाहन The one who has a mouse as his vehicle.
  39. निदीश्वरम The Lord of treasures.
  40. प्रथमेश्वर The first among all, or Lord of all.
  41. शूपकर्ण The one with ears as broad as a winnowing fan.
  42. शुभम The auspicious one.
  43. सिद्धिदाता The giver of success and accomplishments.
  44. सिद्धिविनायक The bestower of success.
  45. सुरेश्वरम The Lord of the gods.
  46. वक्रतुण्ड The one with a curved trunk.
  47. अखूरथ The one with a mouse as his chariot.
  48. अलम्पता The eternal and untainted one.
  49. अमित The one who is immeasurable.
  50. अनन्तचिदरुपम The infinite and embodiment of pure consciousness.
  51. अवनीश The Lord of the earth.
  52. अविघ्न The remover of obstacles.
  53. भीम The tremendous or terrifying one.
  54. भूपति The Lord of the earth.
  55. भुवनपति The Lord of all worlds.
  56. बुद्धिप्रिय The one who is fond of wisdom.
  57. बुद्धिविधाता The one who bestows wisdom.
  58. चतुर्भुज The one with four arms.
  59. देवादेव The God of gods.
  60. देवांतकनाशकारी The one who destroys enemies of gods.
  61. देवव्रत The one who is dedicated to the gods.
  62. देवेन्द्राशिक The protector of Indra, king of gods.
  63. धार्मिक The righteous one.
  64. मूढ़ाकरम The destroyer of the foolish or ignorant.
  65. मुक्तिदायी The giver of liberation.
  66. नादप्रतिष्ठित The one established in sound (Om).
  67. नमस्थेतु The one who is worthy of worship.
  68. नन्दन The one who brings joy.
  69. सिद्धांथ The one who establishes the truth.
  70. पीताम्बर The one who wears yellow garments.
  71. प्रमोद The one who brings delight.
  72. पुरुष The supreme person.
  73. विघ्नहर्त्ता The remover of obstacles.
  74. विघ्नविनाशन The destroyer of obstacles.
  75. विघ्नराज The King of obstacles (controller of difficulties).
  76. विघ्नराजेन्द्र The King of obstacle removers.
  77. विघ्नविनाशाय The one who destroys obstacles.
  78. विघ्नेश्वर The Lord of obstacles (remover).
  79. विकट The ferocious one.
  80. विनायक The Supreme Leader or guide.
  81. विश्वमुख The one whose face is in every direction.
  82. विश्वराजा The King of the world.
  83. यज्ञकाय The one whose body is like a sacrificial altar.
  84. यशस्कर The giver of fame.
  85. यशस्विन The renowned one.
  86. योगाधिप The Lord of yoga.
  87. रक्त The one who is red-hued.
  88. रुद्रप्रिय The one dear to Lord Shiva (Rudra).
  89. सर्वदेवात्मन The one who is the soul of all gods.
  90. सर्वसिद्धांत The establisher of all truths.
  91. सर्वात्मन The one who is the soul of all.
  92. ॐकार The one who is the essence of Om.
  93. शशिवर्णम The one with a complexion like the moon.
  94. शुभगुणकानन The forest of auspicious qualities.
  95. श्वेता The one who is pure and white.
  96. सिद्धिप्रिय The one who is fond of success and accomplishment.
  97. स्कन्दपूर्वज The elder brother of Skanda (Kartikeya).
  98. सुमुख The one with a pleasant face.
  99. स्वरुप The one who is the embodiment of beauty and truth.
  100. तरुण The ever-youthful one.
  101. उद्दण्ड The one who is fearless and powerful.
  102. उमापुत्र The son of Goddess Uma (Parvati).
  103. वरगणपति The boon-giving Lord Ganapati.
  104. वरप्रद The bestower of boons.
  105. वरदविनायक The one who grants wishes and success.
  106. वीरगणपति The valiant Ganapati.
  107. विद्यावारिधि The one who is an ocean of knowledge.
  108. गजनान The one with the face of an elephant (Gajanana).

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