- बालगणपति The child form of Ganesha.
- गजानन The one with an elephant face.
- गजवक्र The one with a curved elephant trunk.
- गजवक्त्र The one whose mouth is like an elephant.
- गणाध्यक्ष The Lord of all divine hosts (Ganas).
- गणपति The Lord of the Ganas (attendants of Shiva).
- गौरीसुत The son of Goddess Gauri (Parvati).
- भालचन्द्र The one who wears the moon on his forehead.
- बुद्धिनाथ The Lord of wisdom.
- धूम्रवर्ण The one with a smoky grey complexion.
- एकाक्षर The one-lettered (symbolizing “Om”).
- एकदन्त The one with a single tusk.
- गजकर्ण The one with ears like an elephant.
- दूर्जा The invincible one.
- द्वैमातुर The one who has two mothers (Parvati and Ganga).
- एकदंष्ट्र The one with a single tusk (same as Ekadant).
- ईशानपुत्र The son of Lord Shiva.
- गदाधर The one who wields a mace.
- गणाध्यक्षिण The leader of the Ganas.
- गुणिन The virtuous one, filled with qualities.
- हरिद्र The one who is golden in hue.
- हेरम्ब The compassionate protector.
- कपिल The one with reddish-brown skin.
- कवीश The Lord of poets and wisdom.
- कीर्त्ति The one who is known for his fame and glory.
- कृपाकर The one who is full of mercy.
- कृष्णपिंगाश The one with dark brownish skin.
- क्षेमंकरी The one who bestows security and well-being.
- क्षिप्रा The quick one in action.
- मनोमय The one who dwells in the mind.
- मृत्युंजय The conqueror of death.
- लम्बकर्ण The one with large ears.
- लम्बोदर The one with a large belly.
- महाबल The one with great strength.
- महागणपति The Great Lord Ganapati.
- महेश्वर The great Lord (another name for Shiva and Ganesha).
- मंगलमूर्त्ति The embodiment of auspiciousness.
- मूषकवाहन The one who has a mouse as his vehicle.
- निदीश्वरम The Lord of treasures.
- प्रथमेश्वर The first among all, or Lord of all.
- शूपकर्ण The one with ears as broad as a winnowing fan.
- शुभम The auspicious one.
- सिद्धिदाता The giver of success and accomplishments.
- सिद्धिविनायक The bestower of success.
- सुरेश्वरम The Lord of the gods.
- वक्रतुण्ड The one with a curved trunk.
- अखूरथ The one with a mouse as his chariot.
- अलम्पता The eternal and untainted one.
- अमित The one who is immeasurable.
- अनन्तचिदरुपम The infinite and embodiment of pure consciousness.
- अवनीश The Lord of the earth.
- अविघ्न The remover of obstacles.
- भीम The tremendous or terrifying one.
- भूपति The Lord of the earth.
- भुवनपति The Lord of all worlds.
- बुद्धिप्रिय The one who is fond of wisdom.
- बुद्धिविधाता The one who bestows wisdom.
- चतुर्भुज The one with four arms.
- देवादेव The God of gods.
- देवांतकनाशकारी The one who destroys enemies of gods.
- देवव्रत The one who is dedicated to the gods.
- देवेन्द्राशिक The protector of Indra, king of gods.
- धार्मिक The righteous one.
- मूढ़ाकरम The destroyer of the foolish or ignorant.
- मुक्तिदायी The giver of liberation.
- नादप्रतिष्ठित The one established in sound (Om).
- नमस्थेतु The one who is worthy of worship.
- नन्दन The one who brings joy.
- सिद्धांथ The one who establishes the truth.
- पीताम्बर The one who wears yellow garments.
- प्रमोद The one who brings delight.
- पुरुष The supreme person.
- विघ्नहर्त्ता The remover of obstacles.
- विघ्नविनाशन The destroyer of obstacles.
- विघ्नराज The King of obstacles (controller of difficulties).
- विघ्नराजेन्द्र The King of obstacle removers.
- विघ्नविनाशाय The one who destroys obstacles.
- विघ्नेश्वर The Lord of obstacles (remover).
- विकट The ferocious one.
- विनायक The Supreme Leader or guide.
- विश्वमुख The one whose face is in every direction.
- विश्वराजा The King of the world.
- यज्ञकाय The one whose body is like a sacrificial altar.
- यशस्कर The giver of fame.
- यशस्विन The renowned one.
- योगाधिप The Lord of yoga.
- रक्त The one who is red-hued.
- रुद्रप्रिय The one dear to Lord Shiva (Rudra).
- सर्वदेवात्मन The one who is the soul of all gods.
- सर्वसिद्धांत The establisher of all truths.
- सर्वात्मन The one who is the soul of all.
- ॐकार The one who is the essence of Om.
- शशिवर्णम The one with a complexion like the moon.
- शुभगुणकानन The forest of auspicious qualities.
- श्वेता The one who is pure and white.
- सिद्धिप्रिय The one who is fond of success and accomplishment.
- स्कन्दपूर्वज The elder brother of Skanda (Kartikeya).
- सुमुख The one with a pleasant face.
- स्वरुप The one who is the embodiment of beauty and truth.
- तरुण The ever-youthful one.
- उद्दण्ड The one who is fearless and powerful.
- उमापुत्र The son of Goddess Uma (Parvati).
- वरगणपति The boon-giving Lord Ganapati.
- वरप्रद The bestower of boons.
- वरदविनायक The one who grants wishes and success.
- वीरगणपति The valiant Ganapati.
- विद्यावारिधि The one who is an ocean of knowledge.
- गजनान The one with the face of an elephant (Gajanana).