श्री विष्णु जी के 108 नाम

  1. नारायण The refuge of all beings
  2. विष्णु The all-pervading Lord
  3. वषट्कार The one invoked in sacrifices
  4. भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभु The Lord of past, present, and future
  5. भूतकृत The creator of all beings
  6. भूतभृत The sustainer of all beings
  7. भाव The pure existence
  8. भूतात्मा The soul of all beings
  9. भूतभावन The cause of all creation
  10. पूतात्मा The pure soul
  11. परमात्मा The supreme soul
  12. मुक्तानां परमागति The ultimate goal of the liberated
  13. अव्यय The imperishable
  14. पुरुष The supreme person
  15. साक्षी The witness of everything
  16. क्षेत्रज्ञ The knower of the field (body)
  17. केशव The slayer of Kesi (a demon)
  18. पुरुषोत्तम The supreme person
  19. सर्व The all
  20. शर्व The destroyer
  21. शिव The benevolent one
  22. स्थाणु The immovable one
  23. भूतादि The origin of all beings
  24. निधिरव्यय The imperishable treasure
  25. सम्भव The source of all
  26. भावन The creator
  27. भर्ता The supporter of all
  28. गरुड़ध्वज The one who has Garuda as his emblem
  29. योग The union or path
  30. योगाविदां नेता The leader of those who know yoga
  31. प्रधानपुरुषेश्वर The Lord of Prakriti and Purusha (nature and spirit)
  32. नारसिंहवपुष The one with a man-lion form
  33. श्रीमान् The one who is endowed with all wealth
  34. प्रभव The origin of all
  35. प्रभु The Almighty
  36. ईश्वर The supreme controller
  37. स्वयम्भू The self-existent
  38. शम्भु The giver of happiness
  39. आदित्य The son of Aditi (a solar deity)
  40. पुष्कराक्ष The lotus-eyed one
  41. महास्वण The one with a mighty roar
  42. अनादिनिधन The one without beginning and end
  43. धाता The supporter
  44. विधाता The ordainer
  45. धातुरुत्तम The highest creator
  46. अप्रेमय The immeasurable one
  47. हृषीकेश The Lord of the senses
  48. पद्मनाभ The one with a lotus in his navel
  49. अमरप्रभु The Lord of the immortals
  50. विश्वकर्मा The architect of the universe
  51. मनु The progenitor of humanity
  52. त्वष्टा The shaper of forms
  53. स्थविष्ठ The firm one
  54. स्थविरो ध्रुव The eternal, immovable one
  55. अग्राह्य The one who is beyond perception
  56. शाश्वत The eternal
  57. प्राण The life force
  58. ज्येष्ठ The eldest
  59. श्रेष्ठ The most excellent
  60. प्रजापति The Lord of all creatures
  61. हिरण्यगर्भ The golden womb (the source of creation)
  62. भूगर्भ The one who carries the earth within
  63. सर्वादि The beginning of everything
  64. अच्युत The infallible one
  65. कृष्ण The all-attractive one
  66. लोहिताक्ष The red-eyed one
  67. प्रतर्दन The one who destroys all
  68. प्रभूत The abundant one
  69. त्रिककुब्धाम The Lord of the three worlds
  70. पवित्रां The one who is pure
  71. मंगलपरम् The most auspicious one
  72. ईशान The Lord
  73. प्राणद The giver of life
  74. वृषाकपि The one who showers blessings
  75. अमेयात्मा The one with an immeasurable soul
  76. सर्वयोगविनि The one who controls all yogas
  77. वसु The one who dwells in all beings
  78. वसुमना The one with a generous mind
  79. सत्य The truth
  80. समात्मा The one who is equal in all beings
  81. सममित The one who is measured equally
  82. माधव The Lord of Lakshmi
  83. मधुसूदन The slayer of the demon Madhu
  84. ईश्वर The supreme controller
  85. विक्रमी The valorous one
  86. धन्वी The one armed with a bow
  87. मेधावी The wise one
  88. विक्रम The one with great strides
  89. क्रम The one who walks the universe
  90. अनुत्तम The unsurpassed one
  91. दुराधर्ष The invincible one
  92. कृतज्ञ The one who knows the actions of all
  93. कृति The performer of righteous deeds
  94. आत्मवान The one who possesses self-control
  95. सिद्ध The one who is accomplished
  96. सिद्धि The one who grants success
  97. सुरेश The Lord of the gods
  98. शरणम The refuge of all
  99. शर्म The one who provides bliss
  100. विश्वरेता The seed of the universe
  101. प्रजाभव The origin of all creatures
  102. अह्र The one who is beyond time
  103. सम्वत्सर The one who is the year
  104. व्याल The one who is ferocious like a serpent
  105. प्रत्यय The one who is faith or belief
  106. सर्वदर्शन The one who sees everything
  107. अज The unborn one
  108. सर्वेश्वर The Lord of all

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