- नारायण The refuge of all beings
- विष्णु The all-pervading Lord
- वषट्कार The one invoked in sacrifices
- भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभु The Lord of past, present, and future
- भूतकृत The creator of all beings
- भूतभृत The sustainer of all beings
- भाव The pure existence
- भूतात्मा The soul of all beings
- भूतभावन The cause of all creation
- पूतात्मा The pure soul
- परमात्मा The supreme soul
- मुक्तानां परमागति The ultimate goal of the liberated
- अव्यय The imperishable
- पुरुष The supreme person
- साक्षी The witness of everything
- क्षेत्रज्ञ The knower of the field (body)
- केशव The slayer of Kesi (a demon)
- पुरुषोत्तम The supreme person
- सर्व The all
- शर्व The destroyer
- शिव The benevolent one
- स्थाणु The immovable one
- भूतादि The origin of all beings
- निधिरव्यय The imperishable treasure
- सम्भव The source of all
- भावन The creator
- भर्ता The supporter of all
- गरुड़ध्वज The one who has Garuda as his emblem
- योग The union or path
- योगाविदां नेता The leader of those who know yoga
- प्रधानपुरुषेश्वर The Lord of Prakriti and Purusha (nature and spirit)
- नारसिंहवपुष The one with a man-lion form
- श्रीमान् The one who is endowed with all wealth
- प्रभव The origin of all
- प्रभु The Almighty
- ईश्वर The supreme controller
- स्वयम्भू The self-existent
- शम्भु The giver of happiness
- आदित्य The son of Aditi (a solar deity)
- पुष्कराक्ष The lotus-eyed one
- महास्वण The one with a mighty roar
- अनादिनिधन The one without beginning and end
- धाता The supporter
- विधाता The ordainer
- धातुरुत्तम The highest creator
- अप्रेमय The immeasurable one
- हृषीकेश The Lord of the senses
- पद्मनाभ The one with a lotus in his navel
- अमरप्रभु The Lord of the immortals
- विश्वकर्मा The architect of the universe
- मनु The progenitor of humanity
- त्वष्टा The shaper of forms
- स्थविष्ठ The firm one
- स्थविरो ध्रुव The eternal, immovable one
- अग्राह्य The one who is beyond perception
- शाश्वत The eternal
- प्राण The life force
- ज्येष्ठ The eldest
- श्रेष्ठ The most excellent
- प्रजापति The Lord of all creatures
- हिरण्यगर्भ The golden womb (the source of creation)
- भूगर्भ The one who carries the earth within
- सर्वादि The beginning of everything
- अच्युत The infallible one
- कृष्ण The all-attractive one
- लोहिताक्ष The red-eyed one
- प्रतर्दन The one who destroys all
- प्रभूत The abundant one
- त्रिककुब्धाम The Lord of the three worlds
- पवित्रां The one who is pure
- मंगलपरम् The most auspicious one
- ईशान The Lord
- प्राणद The giver of life
- वृषाकपि The one who showers blessings
- अमेयात्मा The one with an immeasurable soul
- सर्वयोगविनि The one who controls all yogas
- वसु The one who dwells in all beings
- वसुमना The one with a generous mind
- सत्य The truth
- समात्मा The one who is equal in all beings
- सममित The one who is measured equally
- माधव The Lord of Lakshmi
- मधुसूदन The slayer of the demon Madhu
- ईश्वर The supreme controller
- विक्रमी The valorous one
- धन्वी The one armed with a bow
- मेधावी The wise one
- विक्रम The one with great strides
- क्रम The one who walks the universe
- अनुत्तम The unsurpassed one
- दुराधर्ष The invincible one
- कृतज्ञ The one who knows the actions of all
- कृति The performer of righteous deeds
- आत्मवान The one who possesses self-control
- सिद्ध The one who is accomplished
- सिद्धि The one who grants success
- सुरेश The Lord of the gods
- शरणम The refuge of all
- शर्म The one who provides bliss
- विश्वरेता The seed of the universe
- प्रजाभव The origin of all creatures
- अह्र The one who is beyond time
- सम्वत्सर The one who is the year
- व्याल The one who is ferocious like a serpent
- प्रत्यय The one who is faith or belief
- सर्वदर्शन The one who sees everything
- अज The unborn one
- सर्वेश्वर The Lord of all